Kaylia Cassandra Playboy Playmate of the Month June 2015
After some sets for Playboy in 2012, Kaylia Cassandra is Playmate of the Month June 2015. “Way back in 2012, Josh Ryan asked me to test for Playmate”, says Kaylia. At first I said no, but he wouldn’t let it go—he said it was my time to shine. Well, now—here I am! If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be a Playmate today!” Drinking Champagne, Playboy Playmate Kaylia Cassandra is showing you her perfect nude body stripping panties in a sexy kimono with photographer Sasha Eisenman. “I don’t think it’ll really hit me until my issue hits stands,” she adds. “Someday, when I have kids, I’m gonna tell them their hot mom was a Playmate!”
Enjoy this first Kaylia Cassandra Playboy Playmate nude gallery and don’t forget to join Playboy for more!